ABOUT na’e swiss
Lucerne make-up artist Violeta Salicunaj has reinvented what many bloggers and professional make-up artists have always tried to practice: the EYELASH SPOON from na’e! The inspiration arose from the need for a clean make-up result – where you used to use a paper handkerchief or the usual, less convenient coffee spoon, now comes EYELASH SPOON from na’e to application. The results were fabulous! Fantastically long, beautifully separated, voluminous eyelashes and all in the twinkling of an eye. The results convinced Violeta Salicunaj and so she decided to patent the unique technology and the EYELASH SPOON to make it known outside of the professional make-up industry. Ingenious and yet so easy to use!
the EYELASH SPOON by Violeta Salicunaj Switzerland, sets clear accents and revolutionizes the application of mascara!